2.12.04 -

after many hours of exploring and browsing thru e net, finally design my own blog?hmm,guess it is not bad since this is my second time doing it.hee.this afternoon i told sum1 tad i used to have diaryland.but she said she couldn;t believe.hahax.then i told her i will prove to her.and in e end cause myself to spend so much time online.Lolx.now is like 3.35sm i still haven sleep loh.all becuz of this blog.so many stuffs to settle loh.but i did it on my own plus sum help.feeling quite contented bahx.feeling very tired now.but this starting of blog also marks e day where i try to change myself.hee.found out tad i got so many weaknesses.hoping to change fer e betta bahx?hopefully i can do it??jiayoUs to myself?hahax.sleep liao le larh.buh=byess.. =p


3:23:00 AM
My Buddies